Dreams World Airways

Dreams World Airways Olhos no céu, pés no solo!

Piloto: PT-JSA Joel Alves - DWA801 Aeronave: DHC6-300 TWIN OTTER V2 [LN] DREAMS WORLD AIRWAYS Distância: 131NM
Origem VNLK Destino VNLT Duração 1.05
Validação Validado Tipo Charter Matrícula PT-MFY
ZFW 3763 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 65/0 Combustível em Vôo 63
Passageiros 22 Carga 500 Alternativo VNJS
Hora de Partida Velocidade de Cruzeiro 110 Nível de Vôo 125
Tipo de Vôo VFR Tipo de Aeronave DHC6 Unidade de Peso Kg
Data 25-11-2020 Comentários do Piloto Rede PRIVATE NETWORK
Acidentou Não Comentário do Validador Pontuação do Vôo 75

Acidentou OK Luzes Beacon desligadas & Motores ligados OK Velocidade acima de 250 KIAS abaixo de 10000 FT OK
Luzes desligadas abaixo de 10000 FT OK Luzes ligadas acima de 10000 FT Falhou Stall OK
Excesso de Velocidade OK Vôo Pausado OK Reabastecimento OK
Slew detectado OK Luzes de Taxi desligadas durante o taxiamento OK Luzes desligadas durante a decolagem OK
Luzes desligadas durante o pouso OK Pouso em aeroporto que não estava planejado OK Velocidade do Taxi OK
Altímetro incorreto durante a decolagem OK Altímetro incorreto durante o pouso OK
Vento durante o pouso 348º/2 kt Proa durante o pouso 303
VS do Pouso: -468.29 ft/min IAS do Pouso: 59.73 kt
Force G no pouso 2.8 G Bank no Pouso 0.5
Pitch no Pouso 2.3 Flaps no pouso 45
Luzes de Navegação ON Luzes de Pouso ON
Luzes Beacon ON Luzes Strobe ON
Extra change(5). Number of PAX: 22 110.00
Publicity 1,000.00
Wi-Fi connection -750.00
Wi-Fi connection(750). Flight duration: 1.05 -787.50
Fuel(0.38). Fuel used: 65.15 -24.76
Engine wear(700). Flight duration: 1.05 -735.00
Meal on board(10). Number of PAX: 22 -220.00
Ground Handling -500.00
Airport Taxes -200.00
TOTAL -2,107.26
2020-11-25 20:49:08 SIM ACARS version 1.4.119227
2020-11-25 20:49:08 BOARDING19227
2020-11-25 20:49:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 19227
2020-11-25 20:49:08 STARTING ENGINE 1 19227
2020-11-25 20:49:08 STARTING ENGINE 2 19227
2020-11-25 20:51:42 TAXI TO THE RWY 59228
2020-11-25 20:51:49 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF339212
2020-11-25 20:51:57 TAKE OFF689148
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 24 % 759786
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 22 % 759787
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 20 % 759788
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 19 % 759789
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 17 % 759792
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 15 % 759793
2020-11-25 20:53:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 13 % 759794
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 759796
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 10 % 759797
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 8 % 759798
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 6 % 759800
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 5 % 759801
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 3 % 759803
2020-11-25 20:53:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 1 % 759804
2020-11-25 20:53:02 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 759805
2020-11-25 20:54:12 LIGHTS ON ABOVE 10000 ft7510501
2020-11-25 20:59:37 CRUISE8412510
2020-11-25 21:00:27 CLIMBING8312649
2020-11-25 21:01:07 CRUISE8312776
2020-11-25 21:10:57 DESCEND8313445
2020-11-25 21:14:57 CRUISE8412500
2020-11-25 21:43:37 CLIMBING9312959
2020-11-25 21:44:07 CRUISE10012993
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 1 % 10813185
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 3 % 10813185
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 5 % 10813186
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 7 % 10813186
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 8 % 10813186
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 10 % 10813186
2020-11-25 21:51:04 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 10813187
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 14 % 10813187
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 16 % 10813187
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 17 % 10813188
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 19 % 10813188
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 21 % 10813189
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 23 % 10713190
2020-11-25 21:51:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 24 % 10713190
2020-11-25 21:51:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 26 % 10713191
2020-11-25 21:51:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 28 % 10713192
2020-11-25 21:51:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 30 % 10713193
2020-11-25 21:51:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 32 % 10713194
2020-11-25 21:51:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 34 % 10713195
2020-11-25 21:51:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 36 % 10713196
2020-11-25 21:51:07 FLAPS EXTENSION 38 % 10713198
2020-11-25 21:54:17 CLIMBING7313436
2020-11-25 21:55:07 CRUISE7513593
2020-11-25 21:55:47 DESCEND8213384
2020-11-25 21:55:48 FLAPS EXTENSION 40 % 8213366
2020-11-25 21:55:48 FLAPS EXTENSION 42 % 8213365
2020-11-25 21:55:48 FLAPS EXTENSION 43 % 8213363
2020-11-25 21:55:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 45 % 8213351
2020-11-25 21:55:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 48 % 8213350
2020-11-25 21:55:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 48 % 8213347
2020-11-25 21:55:50 FLAPS EXTENSION 51 % 8213331
2020-11-25 21:55:50 FLAPS EXTENSION 52 % 8213329
2020-11-25 21:55:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 53 % 8213323
2020-11-25 21:55:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 55 % 8213321
2020-11-25 21:55:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 57 % 7813225
2020-11-25 21:55:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 59 % 7813223
2020-11-25 21:55:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 60 % 7813219
2020-11-25 21:55:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 63 % 7813216
2020-11-25 21:55:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 64 % 7813215
2020-11-25 21:55:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 66 % 7813212
2020-11-25 21:56:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 69 % 7813208
2020-11-25 21:56:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 69 % 7813205
2020-11-25 21:56:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 71 % 7813203
2020-11-25 21:56:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 72 % 7813200
2020-11-25 21:56:22 FLAPS EXTENSION 73 % 7812807
2020-11-25 21:56:22 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 7812804
2020-11-25 21:56:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 77 % 7812801
2020-11-25 21:56:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 79 % 7812799
2020-11-25 21:56:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 80 % 7812796
2020-11-25 21:56:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 82 % 7812795
2020-11-25 21:56:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 83 % 7812792
2020-11-25 21:56:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 86 % 7812790
2020-11-25 21:56:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 88 % 7812788
2020-11-25 21:56:46 LANDING6012576
2020-11-25 21:56:54 TAXI TO THE GATE1912593
2020-11-25 21:59:09 FLAPS EXTENSION 85 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:09 FLAPS EXTENSION 84 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 82 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 77 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 76 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 74 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 72 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 71 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 69 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 66 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 64 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 60 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 58 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 56 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 54 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 52 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 51 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 49 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 47 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 46 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 44 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 42 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 40 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 39 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 35 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 34 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 32 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 30 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 28 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 26 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 24 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 21 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 19 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 17 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 16 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 14 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 10 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:16 FLAPS EXTENSION 9 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:16 FLAPS EXTENSION 6 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:16 FLAPS EXTENSION 4 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:16 FLAPS EXTENSION 2 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:16 FLAPS EXTENSION 1 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:16 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:22 STOPPING ENGINE 1 112573
2020-11-25 21:59:22 STOPPING ENGINE 2 112573
2020-11-25 20:50:081092260-1BOARDING
2020-11-25 20:51:083592271-1BOARDING
2020-11-25 20:52:08718392622-1CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:53:08779298563-3CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:54:087591104605-4CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:55:087489109516-5CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:56:087792113377-6CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:57:087793117248-6CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:58:087793121039-7CLIMBING
2020-11-25 20:59:0877931246311-8CLIMBING
2020-11-25 21:00:08831001258112-8CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:01:08831021277912-9CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:02:08831021297313-9CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:03:08831021315714-9CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:04:08831021333315-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:05:08831031350015-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:06:08891101356116-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:07:08921141357217-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:08:08931161357518-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:09:08941151357918-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:10:08941151357819-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:11:08831021339520-10DESCEND
2020-11-25 21:12:08831021313220-9DESCEND
2020-11-25 21:13:08831011287821-9DESCEND
2020-11-25 21:14:08831011263121-8DESCEND
2020-11-25 21:15:08881071250022-8CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:16:081051271249223-8CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:17:081131361249024-8CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:18:081151381248825-8CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:19:081151391248826-7CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:20:081151391248827-7CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:21:081151391248828-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:22:081151391248829-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:23:081151391248830-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:24:081151401248831-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:25:081151401248832-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:26:081151401248833-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:27:081151401248834-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:28:081151401248835-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:29:081151401248836-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:30:081151401248837-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:31:081151411248838-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:32:081151411248839-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:33:081151411248840-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:34:081151411248841-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:35:081151421248842-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:36:081151421248943-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:37:081151431248844-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:38:081151431248846-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:39:081151441248847-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:40:081151441248848-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:41:081151451247949-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:42:081151391248650-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:43:081151391249051-5CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:44:081001221299252-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:45:081071301298953-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:46:081071291299953-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:47:081071301301254-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:48:081071301306455-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:49:081071291311056-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:50:081071301314557-6CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:51:081051261320858-8CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:52:0879941311560-9CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:53:0879941313761-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:54:0872881340262-10CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:55:0875921359663-11CRUISE
2020-11-25 21:56:0873901311964-10DESCEND
2020-11-25 21:57:08001259564-8TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-11-25 21:58:089101258265-8TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-11-25 21:59:08001257365-8TAXI TO THE GATE